Saturday, 6 August 2011

Mega Debate on Comment is Free about Cochlear Implants

Scriptwriter, filmmaker and journalist, Charlie Swinbourne writes in the Guardian's Comment Is Free yesterday about cochlear implants. Charlie claims that some deaf adults, including deaf actress Emily Howlett, have been put under pressure to receive an implant even if doctors admit the there is apparently no benefit. The article doesn't discuss the merits of cochlear implants for children.

The article also talks about the poor level of deaf awareness among audiologists..something many people will relate to. Well worth a read, if you haven't already.

The article has sparked debate with over 200 comments so far with a frank exchange of viewpoints.


  1. The Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center gets all excited whenever there is news of babies with hearing loss getting cochlear implants and news that parents are opting to get their child with hearing loss cochlear implants. We have a rich website that supports the reasoning for cochlear implants with plenty of heart warming videos and this website beats out other websites that promote cultures of dependency and zeals of living in a dark closed deaf society. The best life journey for babies with hearing loss begins with sound, listening, and then speaking.

  2. It's about choices, I am unsure if charlie supports that or not, or prefers to play to the anti-CI lobby that is prevalent. Let's get off the fence Charlie, Ci's are here get with it. Mostly they have proven positive. The system is damned if they promote them damned if they don't, it is NOT offensive to anyone to suggest they can be of use. No more offensive than deafies suggesting deafness is an wonderful thing and ignoring late deaf who are making the demands for them because they just don't see it. It's not as if the Anti-CI element will accept ANY view but their own anyway. There is so much ignorance around you won't get an decent debate anyway. CI's are great more of them please... would charlie throw away his hearing aid ? erm... NO ! c'mon let's see consistency here.


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